Find answers about investing with Stake in the UAE
How much can I invest?
What is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)?
What happens if not enough funds are raised?
What am I investing in?
How many shares will I own?
What if I need to sell my stake before the investment term?
What are my exit options?
Who manages the property? Can I visit?
When will I receive my documents?
How can I verify my ownership documents?
What is a Professional Client?
Rental Guarantee - Terms & Conditions
What are investment strategies?
How do Fix n' Flips work?
How does AutoInvest Work?
What are AutoInvest themes?
Can I make changes or cancel AutoInvest?
When will my card be charged?
What happens if there are no investments matching my AutoInvest theme?
Will my dividends be reinvested?
Can I still invest normally with AutoInvest activated?
What is the minimum amount to start AutoInvest?